This week's Game Highlights are from the past two games: vs. Vermont and vs. UNH. I held off in posting each game individually because I was confident after the win against Boston College that we would go on the first win streak of the year... we did. Three game win streak for the boys! Was this a big risk to take? Of course, but with big risk comes big reward. Am I using some serious rhetoric to hide the fact that I let procrastination get the best of me? Well, you'll never know! But without further adue, I present to you the game highlights.
My original plan was to post the past three games starting with BC, but blogger is refusing to let me upload the BC highlights. I think it has something to do with violating the terms and conditions since it is a CBS Sports video feed. I'm going to look into it and try and get it posted sometime this week. But in the meantime, enjoy this past weekend's games.
Friday, November 18, 2011 Boston University vs. University of Vermont
Saturday, November 19, 2011 Boston University vs. University of New Hampshire
Good Stuff. I enjoy your perspective and look forward to further Terrier updates as well as your day-to-day commentary.