Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Final Post and the End of Beyond the Game.

I just wanted to officially declare the end of Beyond the Game. It was fun while it lasted, and helped me get an A in my writing class. However, I want to make it known that I am not shutting down this blog on my own. I had full intention to continue posting game highlights and various opinionated posts for the remainder of my career as the Boston University Men's Ice Hockey Video Coordinator. Unfortunately, in this business, reputation and strategy are crucial to an organization. I made an error by posting the pre-season video on youtube and on this blog.  Such information should be kept within the organization and not released to the public. Further, posting game highlights may have been a great tool for reaching fans who may not have access to watching the games, these posts may also take away from any strategic edge if other teams get a hold of them.

Some things are better off left at home, eh? Is that even a saying? Oh well.

I want to thank all of my subscribers, followers, and vistors to the site. It was because of you that Beyond the Game was as successful as it was. I had a great time blogging, and I am sure this will not be the last you see of me.

Happy Holidays,

JP Buckley

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